Work with LLMs on the command line
Sync .env files
Tech won't save us
2024 Book List
Digital Sustainability and LLMs
How to cope, plan and execute
Store and load SSH keys in KeePass
Rust Development in Termux
Odoo Development: Settings fields for your module
Copy SSH private key to Termux
Build and deploy Odoo with and without Jenkins
Don't overdo it
2023 Book List
Noise Cancelling
Convert Obsidian canvas to SVG
Hide native tabs with Tree Style tabs for Firefox
Future Words
2022 Book List
Abrupt Decay
Why hyperscalers are a menace
The bird is dead
Über Besitz und Leistung
Odoo Development: Tree view with custom styles
Get public IP with Curl
Die Gesellschaft von Morgen
Odoo Development: Show last updated date above list view
Information technology is still in its infancy
Maintain attention
Download podcast episodes from Stitcher for offline usage
Manage Python versions with pyenv
Create and use nvm rc file
Axiome der Vernunft
Erfolg kennt kein Individualismus
Open Source Software = More Security
Die nicht ganz normale Bank - Kommentar
Odoo Development: Show message dialog
I want to report a crime
JavaScript: Get array with unique objects
2021 Book List
Git Cheat Sheet
Odoo Development: Set attributes conditionally
Am Gericht: Waschplan
Understand Git
Nginx, Loki, Promtail and Grafana
Zweifel / Doubt
Obsidian and Vuepress: include markdown files
Weder Freiheit noch Trychler
Ansible: Combine group and host vars
Odoo Development: Group by related field
Odoo Development: Create a settings page
Odoo Development: Enable multi edit
Sync Obsidian mobile app with Working Copy git repo
ZSH scripts with dynamic command completion
Odoo Development: Create a smart button with a counter
Odoo Development: Prevent deletion with custom constraint
Odoo Development: Add archiving functionality
Odoo Development: Configurable Kanban state
Odoo Development: Add activity button
Use Pop!_OS
The value of code
A better web
Wir müssen wieder lernen zu verzichten
Nextcloud Social Login with Gitlab
Paradigm shift in the handling of data
Add Prometheus instance variable to Grafana query
IT monoculture in administration
Move Docker data directory to new location
Parse URL in shell script
Postgres connection URI password fails
Upgrade Keycloak Docker container
Some thoughts on stress
Manage Vercel DNS records with Ansible
Missing out to be bored
Twitter Stories: Environmental cost of Bitcoin
Git pull overwrite local changes
2020 Book List
Develop business applications with Odoo
Render PDF from Markdown that is using mermaid
Tmux Cheat Sheet
Challenge ERP system
Components of a URI
OpenID Connect with Nextcloud and Keycloak
Success is collaboration
Simple task runner with bash/zsh scripts
O3M 84 - Sleeeeep
Monitor cron jobs with Prometheus, Grafana and Node exporter
Mac OS batch resize images
Convert markdown wiki Links to html links
Grafana OAuth with Keycloak and how to validate a JWT token
Backup Docker volumes with this script
Open Source Software is not free
Traverse the Elsass
Bulk export OneNote notebooks to markdown and other formats
Backup and delete your Instagram account
Pin and update Ubuntu packages with Ansible
Restore Odoo database with this script
Bulk download papers from scihub for text mining
Use software effectively
Role based access control for multiple Keycloak clients
Odoo OAuth authentication with Keycloak
Configure SAML Authentication for Nextcloud with Keycloack
Github Action for validating markdown links
Automate Odoo backups with this script
Backup Docker volumes with Ansible and restic
Nginx WAF with ModSecurity and OWASP CRS
Apollo GraphQl server and client sorting
O3M 83 - Good Dance
Build a stateful serverless Telegram bot - Part 2
Build a stateful serverless Telegram bot - Part 1
Surveillance Berlin
Build multiple Docker image from Yarn workspace packages
Apollo Graphql integration testing in practice
Professionalism versus Friendship
O3M 82 - Localhost
An unfinished story
Find dead links in your markdown files
Deploy ELK stack with Ansible and Docker
Making hierarchies more efficient
Do not use VPN services
Dark mode support
Build an Apollo Graphql user authentication for your React app - part 3
Build an Apollo Graphql user authentication for your React app - part 2
My favorite podcasts
Build an Apollo Graphql user authentication for your React app - part 1
Sea, Sheeps and Windmills
The sound of RÜFÜS DU SOL
Thoughts on deception
Environment matters
My Webapp Tech Stack
O3M 81 - Berne
Simple Hugo page search with Lunr.js
Another Vim Cheat Sheet
Cycling tour part 3 - Montenegro and Croatia
Cycling tour part 2 - Albania
Cycling Tour Part 1 - Greece
Bicycle Tour Packing List
Brie, pain et vin en Provence
Package Java Spring Boot service into rpm
The final rpm packaging guide
Generate PEM key- and truststores With Puppet
Bash SSH host auto completion
Changing Habits - Meat Consumption
Generate pkcs12 key- and truststores with Puppet
Create pkcs12 key- and truststore with keytool and openssl
Create a certificate authority and sign server certificates without prompting using openssl
Open multiple projects in Intellij
The Future of Authentication
O3M 80 - Punk is Dead
Puppet masterless project setup guide
Find certificate files that will expire soon and create a csr
State of JavaScript 2018
Raspberry Pi thermometer that connects from anywhere via broadband
FDA for Algorithms and Technology
Setup GoCD environment using docker
O3M 79 - Summer
Magnificient India
System Observability and Chaos Engineering
Undo a pushed git merge
Demystifying Data Science Hypes
Hiking in the Bergell
Central Switzerland
O3M 78 - VHS
PL SQL - Declare an array of objects and loop insert statements
Ai Weiwei Sunflower Seeds
Quote by Richard Thaler
Hugo Soundcloud shortcode
Another Wordpress to Hugo migration
O3M 77 - Sleep tight
Git branch typing completion and other useful stuff
Struggle with arbitrary knowledge
The digital bookshelf
SOA and microservices explained well
Using pass in teams
How I manage knowledge
Profiling Ansible roles and tasks
Working with Ansible - Cleanup tasks
Update Windows Subsystem for Linux
Setup SSH on Windows 10
Create a soft wallet and transfer your Ether coins from an exchange
A Glimpse of China
Impressions of the Turnerabend 2017
Forward Windows event log entries to syslog server
PowerShell - Logging in CMTrace format
Configuration Manager - Configure requirement rules for deployment types with PowerShell
SCCM 1702 increase client log size and retention
Monitor and audit Active Directory user and group management
Get unlinked GPOs with PowerShell
Remove provisioned appx packages from Windows image for operating system deployment
Manage the life cycle of your SCCM applications with PowerShell - Part 4 Remove Applications
O3M 76 - Light Up
Manage the life cycle of your SCCM applications with PowerShell - Part 3 Deploy Applications
O3M 75 - Locco Ticos
Manage the life cycle of your SCCM applications with PowerShell - Part 2 Create Applications
Manage the life cycle of your SCCM applications with PowerShell - Part 1 Service Accounts and Package Source
XKCD PowerShell password generator
Create a PowerShell module and publish it to the Gallery in under 1 minute
O3M 74 - New Age
JS snippet: Set tallest height on siblings
Migrate KeePass to Pass
Study finished!
How China is changing our internet
O3M 73 - Viva America
The most simple access control for your Meteor React app
Get rid of Disqus
Debounce a redux dispatch method in a react component
Meteor project structure
O3M 72 - Get Lost
Deploy your Meteor app with PM2
Make your Redux React app multilingual
Cold Days
Meteor register LDAP login request handler
O3M 71 - Berlin
Reactive subscriptions with Apollo and React
Authenticate Meteor accounts with the Apollo GraphQL API
California and Costa Rica
Graphql with Apollo, Meteor and React
Chatbot dialog design - a best practice proposal
O3M 70 - Tamagotchi
Node.js dynamic settings
Hello Google Cloud Platform and good bye AWS
OLMOTO - An app built by beginners
React image loader with a spinner
O3M 69 - Bazoooka
Meteor create user with a profile and custom attributes
Can the European Union Learn from Switzerland? - An Essay by Till Rahn
O3M 68 - Oh my bass
Meteor productive deployment blank page
How to publish a react component to the npm directory
Unicorns of Berlin
Meteor and Mantra - Routing redirect
hyper reality - short movie about augmented reality
O3M 67 - Nospheratus
Meteor and React: Markdown editor with draft.js and marked.js
Meteor and React: Fullscreen Viewer Component
Hilly Lisbon
Meteor and React: Bootstrap Modal
Hopes and expectations for the american president elections 2016 from a european point of view
Configure Let’s Encrypt auto renewal for certificates
Beautiful Corsica
Hiking for Emails - Internet for the developing world
Stock market analysis with R
Meteor White Paper
Install Let’s Encrypt and create a free SSL certificate
JavaFX - Filterable and Sortable Tableview with nested Objects
Autodeploy to Github Pages with Travis CI
Install Python
Zabbix stack with Vagrant, CoreOS and Docker
Outdoor life Slovenia
O3M 66 - Fleshpound
Deploy PowerShell ActiveDirectory Module without installing the remote server tools
Password Generator with PowerShell
Install Koken website
Add Piwik tracking code to your Koken site
ScreenToGif an awesome recorder
O3M 65 - Second Round
Compare Active Directory group membership
Convert Directory Tree to Json with PowerShell
Abandoned Berlin
Photography Filter Cheat Sheet
The Brain Hack - Short Film
O3M 64 - Ridikulös
SQL Cheat Sheet
O3M 63 - Beauty of Music
WordPress checklist
PowerShell awesome list introduction
Kung Fury
Shenzen tower climb
O3M 62 - PewPew
Results of my very important internet survey
Enable Piwik for LimeSurvey
Install LimeSurvey webapp
O3M 61 - Pharao
Build a Java 3-tier application from scratch – Part 6: Client view
Build a Java 3-tier application from scratch – Part 5: Client controller
Build a Java 3-tier application from scratch – Part 4: Webservice
Build a Java 3-tier application from scratch – Part 3: Object-relational mapping
Build a Java 3-tier application from scratch - Part 2: Model setup
O3M 60 - Nooice
Create WordPress admin user with sql only
free SSL for everybody
O3M 59 - Shut up and Chill
Build a Java 3-tier application from scratch - Part 1: Introduction and project setup
Michio Kaku on solar revolution
O3M 58 - Soulero
Superb Java development with Gradle, Hibernate, FlywayDB, JavaFX and Eclipse – Part 2
Superb Java development with Gradle, Hibernate, FlywayDB, JavaFX and Eclipse - Part 1
Finally WhatsApp has grown up
O3M 57 - Back to the future
Print all over me is one amazing thing
Let’s write a Laravel application - Fulltext search
O3M 56 - TripTrap
Let’s write a Laravel application - Form validation for your backend and frontend
O3M 55 - Overreaction
Let’s write a Laravel application - Sortable table
O3M 54 - Good Mood
Let’s write a Laravel application – Project template
O3M 53 - Aww yea
Let’s write a Laravel application - Introduction
some art and photography inspiration
O3M 52 - Japan Powder
O3M 51 - Hang On
Dust and Dirt
Create a hotspot with your windows 8 computer
Manage multiple WordPress sites with Jetpack
O3M 50 - Awesome Tomatoes
Backup server installations
Useful command aliases
Install Postfix with mail forwarding
O3M 49 - See The Future (Indie)
Timelapse was yesterday
ILIAS Synchronising Tool
Backup your OneNote files
O3M 48 - Dafuq (Electro)
You want to learn Java? BlueJ is the answer
Animes I love
HHVM on Ubuntu 14.4 LTS fix
I’m back
USA - New York
USA - Nevada and California
Hong Kong
O3M 47 - Flies Away (Electro)
Exclusive interview with the founder of Parkour David Belle
Australia - East coast
O3M 46 - Bleeding Ears (Electro House)
Malaysia - Penang and Singapore
Thailand - Krabi, Ao Nang and Railay beach
Thailand - Ko Tao and Ko Phangan
O3M 45 - InDiEnd (ambient, chillout)
Thailand - Chiang Mai and Bangkok
My Dogecoin experience: mining server
O3M 44 - Pyro (electro)
Say Goodbye to TrueCrypt
Summer break - my package list
Summer break
Barry Underwood the master of light painting
Why you should use Piwik instead of Google Analytics
O3M 43 - And Again (trap, dubstep)
Redesign of DuckDuckGo
Alternative download for SharePoint ULS viewer by Microsoft
Summary of SharePoint 2013 archiving features
O3M 42 - DickButt (electro)
PowerShell PowerUp Package Manager
O3M 41 - Psydelicious (Deep-House)
Thank you internet for: Peek by UserTesting
Configure hybrid search results from SharePoint Online in SharePoint on-premise
Download full playlists and all songs by an artist from SoundCloud
O3M 40 - Go Hard or Go Home (Bass, Electro)
Replicate term set changes for managed metadata navigations
Turn Down for What
My Dogecoin experience part 1 - Mining Hardware
Office 365 DirSync do not import disabled users
O3M 39 - Whatever you like (Electro, House)
Adobe Lightroom switch from jpeg raw workflow to single raw
Why you shouldn’t disable Adblock
Netwars Project - Today’s IT threads well explained
SharePoint PowerShell remoting double hop scenario
Install HHVM
Disable WordPress plugins manually
Install WPScan
Prevent a lot of spam on your next php form with this simple trick
Install Ruby and RubyGems with RVM
O3M 38 - Avec Plaisir (Dance, House)
Unattended Encrypted Incremental Backup to Amazon S3
Project Naptha - OCR well done
Migrate Piwik website
Limitations and workarounds for managed metadata navigation for multiple site collections
Enable Piwik geolocation support with GeoIP PECL
Backup Active Directory Group Policies with PowerShell
Install piwik website
Our daily struggles according to info commercials
O3M 37 - Let’s ski (dub, glitch, funk)
Install QR code service
Migrate WordPress website
Backup Active Directory with PowerShell
Install WordPress website
Impossible Parkour - A hilarious stop motion movie by 3Run
Monitoring a SharePoint Environment with Zabbix
Install phpMyAdmin website
Install SharePoint 2013 Three-tier Farm - Migrate SharePoint 2010 Data
Installing and Configuring SharePoint 2013 Farm
Install SharePoint 2013 Three-tier Farm - Configuring User Profiles
Add a new file type in SharePoint - KeePass example
How the Heartbleed bug works
The Human Cost of Electronics
O3M 36 - Tomorrow (Ambient, Chill)
Increase Max Upload for php5-fpm website
Install Nginx php5-fpm website
Install s3cmd
Open SSL Heartbleed Bug
Print all over me
Create GPG Keys
Galantis EP released
Install automysqlbackup
Hide the Open in Explorer option in the SharePoint command ribbon
SharePoint Class Registration Form
Install MySQL
O3M 35 - What the Fuuu (Damn Prog House)
Manage your SharePoint default settings with PowerShell
Redirected subdomains to domain
Update SharePoint Token Lifetime to update AD permissions faster
Nginx SSL website
Improve your next presentation with Less is More
Node.js Nginx proxy website
Nginx minimal website
SharePoint Export and Import Term Sets from Term Store
Install Nginx
O3M 34 - Run Baby Run (Electro)
Install npm package forever
Install Node
Convert SSL certificates
Get a free verified SSL certificate from StartSSL
Install Ubuntu packages
Install Ubuntu development libraries
Install php5 modules
Install SharePoint 2013 Three-tier Farm – Installing and Configuring Office Web Apps Server
Update Ubuntu server
Enable Sign in as different user option in SharePoint 2013
O3M 33 - Crystal Miau (Trance)
Step by Step: Install WordPress Blog
SSH and network hardening
David F. Sandberg master of horror movies
Install php5-fpm
Website Update SSL
O3M 32 - Let Go (Liquid DnB)
Deploy Ubuntu server
New Office 365 user can not be found in directory
For those who couldn’t attend SharePoint Conference 2014
Install .NET Framework 3.5 on Windows Server 2012 and Windows Server 2012 R2
SharePoint 2013 navigation sub menu titles cut off
Update Hostfile with Chrome/Firefox Plugin
Your own Virtual Private Server hosting solution
10 new photos every 10 days
Let’s get weird: Website of the day
O3M 31 - dogde that shit (Pop)
Step by Step: Install Ghost Blog
Disable Trackbacks and Pingbacks in WordPress
Install SharePoint 2013 Three-tier Farm - Installing and Configuring SharePoint SQL Server
O3M 30 - Jizzesus (bass, electro, big room)
Introducing new SharePoint Online Cmdlets
How to debug your Node.js application
Success Factors for a SharePoint Project
Update Url within WordPress Post Content
Install SharePoint 2013 Three-tier Farm - Deploy the SQL Server Backup Job
O3M 29 - Brot (Dubstep)
Finally! Manage Exchange mailbox permissions with Active Directory groups
Apache vHost with SSL Certicate converted from .pfx Export file
Install SharePoint 2013 Three-tier Farm - Run the SharePoint 2013 Service Account Creator
Install SharePoint 2013 Three-tier Farm - Designing the Logical Architecture
Export all Terms from Managed Metadata Service
O3M 28 - Holy (Hip-Hop, trap)
Google is watching you
Update Obsolete User Principal Names in Office 365 Windows Azure Directory
O3M 27 - Totally (electro house, progressive house, electro)
manage SharePoint list alerts for multiple users on multiple lists
Happy new year
Merry Christmas 2013
O3M 26 - Rucksack (Alternative, Indie Rock)
Do not forget to update to Microsoft Office 2013 when using Office 365 or SharePoint Online
Update SharePoint ActiveDirectory Group Displayname
Change Active Directory User Password Expiration Mode
Get Active Directory User Membership Groups Recursively
Install SharePoint 2013 Three-tier Farm - Architecture and Licensing
Install SharePoint 2013 Three-tier Farm
Aptrix Freerunning // End of Season
Add SharePoint List Print Button
Kinaj 25 - Party Hard (Bigroom)
Assign Temporary Administrator Rights for ActiveDirectory Users via SharePoint list
Simple Redirect with Apache2
E-Mail report of unchecked SharePoint files
Open a Windows Remote Connection using KeePass credentials
Making Exchange Distribution Lists Externally Available
PowerShell Function Template
Kinaj 24 - Insane Butterfly (chill, deep house, minimal)
Manage Security Groups in a organizational Strcture
ADFS Login Customization
Kinaj 23 - The Taste of Kiwi (House)
Archive ActiveDirectory Users and their Mailbox
SharePoint File Reporting Done Right
Kinaj 22 - Robot Unicorn (progressive house)
Kinaj 21 - It’s a Trap (trap)
Project: Setup Windows 7 Kiosk
Manage access rights to the Office365 portal
Kinaj 20 - Holy Moly (Mixtapes)
Find dead SharePoint ActiveDirectory Groups
Add View Folder link to search results page in SharePoint
Handling user password change and expiration issues with Office365 and ADFS – Part 2
Kinaj 19 - I don’t know (Rock, Alternative)
Backup Public GitHub Gists
Office365 ADFS Chrome Login fails
Soundcloud Artist of the Day
ExchangeOnline OWA Policies - Disable OWA light
SharePoint 2010 Manage Content And Structure Is Missing
Managed Metadata in SharePoint 2013/Office365
Manage ActiveDirectory Distribution Groups
Exchange Update Offline Address Book
Kinaj 18 - Whaaat? (dubstep)
Create a Office365 user license report
ExchangeOnline Region Presettings
This makes me speechless
bin/bash^M: bad interpreter
Kinaj 17 - Salte Grölle (progressive house)
Office365 and ADFS: Activate licenses for users depending on AD group membership
Office365 SharePoint Backup und Restore Facts by IOZ AG
Kinaj 16 - Dampfkochtopf (progressive house)
Manage Users in ActiveDirectory with PowerShell
Kinaj 15 - Nimbus (chill, electro house)
Handling user password change and expiration issues with Office365 and ADFS - Part 1
Aptrix - Freerunning and Parkour Roadtrip
Unser neues Video in kürze…
Kinaj 14 - Suit Up
Active Directory User Reporting
Kinaj 13 - Dynamite
Kinaj 12 - Banana Phone
Happy Birthday to me
Kinaj 11 - StupStep (Dubstep, Ambient)
Kinaj 10 - BBC Radio 1 Essential Mixes
Manipulate the hosts file with PowerShell
How Facebook Graph Search Affects Your Privacy
Kinaj 09 - I’m so RETRO (Indie Dance, Electronica)
Kinaj 08 - Drum and Space (Drum & Bass)
SharePoint 2013 unable to unlock site collection
Kinaj 07 - Tetris (Glitch)
Kinaj 06 - Motion (Mixtape)
Kinaj 05 - Parkour and Freerunning PlayList (Mashup)
Kinaj 04 - Twister (Mashup)
Kinaj 03 - Space Cat (Electro Pop, Electro House, Dance)
Kinaj 02 - Weird (Techno, Minimal, Dub)
Kinaj 01 - Cyber Corn (Electro House, Progressive House)
Vagrant - portable development environment
Website Steuern NW
Website Seminars ILZ
Website Janik von Rotz
Website Familie OW