Janik von Rotz

2 min read

SharePoint File Reporting Done Right

To know what type of information a SharePoint Installation is holding could get more difficult as the platform grows.

To set quota templates on the site collection is a good way to keep an eye on the SharePoint storage, but it doesn’t’ show the real used storage.

In case versioning for files is enabled and/or the users don’t check in their files properly these files using space without let you know.

To get a nice report of unchecked, versioned and “normal” files I’ve coded a PowerShell script.

Most of the functions are part of my Project: PowerShell Profile, so this will be a requirement to run this script.

$SPWebs = Get-SPWebs
$SPWebs | %{

    $SPWeb = $_

    $SPSite = $_.site.url

    Get-SPLists -Url $_.Url -OnlyDocumentLibraries | %{

        $SPList = $_

        $SPListUrl = (Get-SPUrl $SPList).url

        Write-Progress -Activity "Crawl list on website" -status "$($SPWeb.Title): $($SPList.Title)" -percentComplete ([Int32](([Array]::IndexOf($SPWebs, $SPWeb)/($SPWebs.count))*100))

        Get-SPListItems $_.ParentWeb.Url -FilterListName $_.title | %{

            $ItemUrl = (Get-SPUrl $_).Url

            # files
            New-Object PSObject -Property @{
                ParentWebsite = $SPWeb.ParentWeb.title
                ParentWebsiteUrl = $SPWeb.ParentWeb.Url
                Website = $SPWeb.title
                WebsiteUrl = $SPWeb.Url
                List = $SPList.title
                ListUrl = $SPListUrl
                FileExtension = [System.IO.Path]::GetExtension($_.Url)
                IsCheckedOut = $false
                IsASubversion = $false
                Item = $_.Name
                ItemUrl = $ItemUrl
                Folder = $ItemUrl -replace "[^/]+$",""
                FileSize = $_.file.Length / 1000000

            $SPItem = $_

            # file subversions
            $_.file.versions | %{

                $ItemUrl = (Get-SPUrl $SPItem).Url

                New-Object PSObject -Property @{
                    ParentWebsite = $SPWeb.ParentWeb.title
                    ParentWebsiteUrl = $SPWeb.ParentWeb.Url
                    Website = $SPWeb.title
                    WebsiteUrl = $SPWeb.Url
                    List = $SPList.title
                    ListUrl = $SPListUrl
                    FileExtension = [System.IO.Path]::GetExtension($_.Url)
                    IsCheckedOut = $false
                    IsASubversion = $true
                    Item = $SPItem.Name
                    ItemUrl = $ItemUrl
                    Folder = $ItemUrl -replace "[^/]+$",""
                    FileSize = $_.Size / 1000000

        # checked out files
        Get-SPListItems $_.ParentWeb.Url -FilterListName $_.title -OnlyCheckedOutFiles | %{

            $ItemUrl = $SPSite + "/" + $_.Url

            New-Object PSObject -Property @{
                ParentWebsite = $SPWeb.ParentWeb.title
                ParentWebsiteUrl = $SPWeb.ParentWeb.Url
                Website = $SPWeb.title
                WebsiteUrl = $SPWeb.Url
                List = $SPList.title
                ListUrl = $SPListUrl
                FileExtension = [System.IO.Path]::GetExtension($_.Url)
                IsCheckedOut = $true
                IsASubversion = $false
                Item = $_.LeafName
                ItemUrl = $ItemUrl
                Folder = $ItemUrl -replace "[^/]+$",""
                FileSize = $_.Length / 1000000

} | Export-Csv "Report SharePoint Files.csv" -Delimiter ";" -Encoding "UTF8" -NoTypeInformation

Most recent version of this snippet is avialable here: https://gist.github.com/janikvonrotz/6885934

Update: This script is now part of my PowerShell Profile project as a function: https://github.com/janikvonrotz/Powershell-Profile/blob/master/functions/SharePoint/List/Get-SPListFiles.ps1

Categories: scripting , SharePoint
Tags: powershell , report , scripting , sharepoint , storage
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