Janik von Rotz

My Dogecoin experience: mining server

In my last post I’ve written about the hardware components I’ve bought for my dogecoin mining server. This time I show you the finished mining rig and summarize the most important configurations for the mining software.


O3M 44 - Pyro (electro)


Say Goodbye to TrueCrypt

Apparently the developer of TrueCrypt threw in the towel this week. The official site http://truecrypt.org redirects to http://truecrypt.sourceforge.net/ where you’ll find instructions to migrate you TrueCrypt disk to Microsofts built-in solution Bitlocker. The reason for all this is obvious, TrueCrypt can’t compete against Microsofts Bitlocker as their software comes with every Windows 8 version (withWindows 7 you had to have an enterprise license in order to use Bitlocker).


Summer break - my package list

In my last post I’ve showed my plans for the summer. This time I share my package list, hopefully you’ll appreciate it someday for your journey.


Summer break

This summer I’m going to travel around the world. Based on the idea one month one country, I’ll visit Thailand/Malaysia, Australia and America.

Here on my blog I want to share this experience with you. I’ll show you how I’ve planned this trip, what I’m going to take with me and finally share my most favourite pictures of this journey.


Barry Underwood the master of light painting

In my last tumblr session I came along a post about Barry Underwood’s pictures. He’s a photographer with a talent for amazing light painted photos.

The pictures you’re seeing haven’t been edited in Photoshop or any other software. Barry Underwood took this photographs with a long exposure camera installation and a bunch of lights.


Why you should use Piwik instead of Google Analytics

Piwik is growing fast, it’s getting smarter and more reliable every day. Right now it’s the time to think about this alternative web analytic solution. As I’m using it for years I forgot the original cause that made me replace Google Analytics with Piwik.

So here are my most important perks for using Piwik instead of Google Analytics:


O3M 43 - And Again (trap, dubstep)


Redesign of DuckDuckGo

The DuckDuckGo search engine website has been redesigned. Hurray! It grew up from a crappy students project to a respectable Google competitor. Compared to other search engines DuckDuckGo doesn’t intrude your privacy. What? You want to know why you should care about your privacy? I’ll let the real pros answer this question: https://duckduckgo.com/privacy


Alternative download for SharePoint ULS viewer by Microsoft

You might already knew it, the link http://code.msdn.microsoft.com/ULSViewer for the most popular ULS viewer doesn’t work anymore. Luckily I’ve found a copy on my SharePoint server, you can get it below. Download UlsViewer 2.0.3530.27850 If you have a newer copy of the file it would be nice if you share it with me.