Janik von Rotz

I want to report a crime

Waking up in the morning and getting going is always hard for me. It’s much easier with a good coffee and a simple breakfast. But today was different, very different. When I opened the butter churn, my eyes almost fell out of my head and I immediately called the police.


JavaScript: Get array with unique objects

In JavaScript you can use Set to get an array with unique items. However, this does not work with objects. Converting the object to a string before creating the set is the solution.


2021 Book List

In 2021 I read 20 books. Some of them were good and some bad. Out of these books only two stuck with me: Ilium by Dan Simmons and Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes.

Ilium is a must read for every fantasy and/or science fiction fan. It does not attract by a catchy story or using smart concept. The sheer unlimited creativeness gets one hooked on the book. Currently I am finishing the second book and it has been on of the largest I read in a while.

Flowers for Algernon is my definition of literature. Daniel writes about intelligence in a way that makes it much more understanding and compelling.

And here is the full 2021 book list:


Git Cheat Sheet

A simple git cheat sheet.


Odoo Development: Set attributes conditionally

Attributes such as invisible can be set on fields, widgets and buttons based on a condition. By using the attrs attribute the field and condition can be passed to the element. Here is an example: attrs="{'invisible': [('active', '=', True)]}".

But how do we achive this for tree elements where attrs is not available?


Am Gericht: Waschplan

Ein 30-jähriger Softwareentwickler ignoriert den Waschplan im Wohnhaus und wird in eine Diskussion über Moral und Anstand verwickelt.


Understand Git

Everybody who works with a computer must understand the basics of git and how to collaborate with git.


Nginx, Loki, Promtail and Grafana

Hey devops engineer, you don’t need Logtail, Sentry, Datadog or any other SaaS/PaaS service to manage your logs. Collecting and analyzing log files is super easy with the LPG-stack. Another acronym that stands for Loki, Promtail and Grafana.


Zweifel / Doubt

Der Zweifel war vor langer Zeit eine Sünde. Heute ist er in jedem Gedanken.
Doubt was a sin long ago. Today it is in every thought.


Obsidian and Vuepress: include markdown files

I am using Obisidan to manage markdown files and Vuepress to publish them. With the help of a script build.js the Obsidian vault is converted into a publishable format for Vuepress. Obsidian supports embeding markdown files using the ![](file.md) syntax. Here I’ll show you how this feature can be enabled for Vuepress.