Janik von Rotz

Am Gericht: Waschplan

Ein 30-jähriger Softwareentwickler ignoriert den Waschplan im Wohnhaus und wird in eine Diskussion über Moral und Anstand verwickelt.


Understand Git

Everybody who works with a computer must understand the basics of git and how to collaborate with git.


Nginx, Loki, Promtail and Grafana

Hey devops engineer, you don’t need Logtail, Sentry, Datadog or any other SaaS/PaaS service to manage your logs. Collecting and analyzing log files is super easy with the LPG-stack. Another acronym that stands for Loki, Promtail and Grafana.


Zweifel / Doubt

Der Zweifel war vor langer Zeit eine Sünde. Heute ist er in jedem Gedanken.
Doubt was a sin long ago. Today it is in every thought.


Obsidian and Vuepress: include markdown files

I am using Obisidan to manage markdown files and Vuepress to publish them. With the help of a script build.js the Obsidian vault is converted into a publishable format for Vuepress. Obsidian supports embeding markdown files using the ![](file.md) syntax. Here I’ll show you how this feature can be enabled for Vuepress.


Weder Freiheit noch Trychler

Für einmal wird es politisch auf meinem Tech-Blog. Es geht um die Freiheitstrychler. Das ist eine scheinbar harmlose Gruppierung von radikalisierten Massnahmengegnern - sie sind mir seit deren Gründung ein Dorn im Auge. Wer das aus der Zukunft liest: Kontext ist die Corona-Pandemie, die zu diesem Zeitpunkt in der Schweiz leider nicht überwunden ist.


Ansible: Combine group and host vars

In Ansible the configuration parameters are usually separated into two categories: host and group vars. As their names say these are variables that are either applied to a specific host or a group of hosts. And here is already an edge case. What if we want to configure a variable for group, but then also give the possibility to modify for a specific host. Read on to see my solution.


Odoo Development: Group by related field

The Odoo ORM provides a read_group method. Calling this method and passing a domain definition, fieldnames and a groupby fieldname will return a domain recordset grouped by the fieldname. A big drawback is that you cannot pass a relation to a subfield. Importing the itertools library gives us new options to do so.


Odoo Development: Create a settings page

Odoo stores all module settings in the res.config.settings model. This model is based on the models.TransientModel class, which means that the settings data is not persisted with this model.

This is just nice to know. I will show how you can create a settings page for your Odoo module and let you know about its limitations.


Odoo Development: Enable multi edit

With Odoo 13 an new attribute was introduced to the tree view that enables editing multiple rows at once.