Odoo Development: Configurable Kanban state
With the Odoo framework it is pretty easy to create a kanban view that groups and sorts an item by a state field. I’ll show how a kanban view can be added in a few steps.
With the Odoo framework it is pretty easy to create a kanban view that groups and sorts an item by a state field. I’ll show how a kanban view can be added in a few steps.
The activity button is part of the chatter. Every model form can have activities. I will show how you can enable the activity button for your model form using the mixin class.
I just upgraded my operating system Pop!_OS to the latest version and once again I was surprised by how far Linux has come.
Being a disciple to the Open Source movement I often have to explain why it is better to make code public than private. Apart from the usual arguments such as “access to better security”, “trust through transparency” or “the design is the intellectual property”, I came up with the argument of true value. Let me explain.
Use alternative services to make the web more healthy and to stay independent. This guide is separated into a Consumer and a Producer section.
Wir befinden uns gerade in einem umstrittenen Abstimmungskampf in der Schweiz. Wir entscheiden darüber, ob man weiterhin synthetische Pestizide in den Boden und damit ins Trinkwasser geben darf. Wie es zu dieser Abstimmung kommt und wie es unabhängig vom Entscheid aussehen könnte, möchte ich erläutern.
This example shows one way to configure GitLab as an OpenID Connect (OIDC) identity provider, so that only members a specific GitLab group are allowed to login.
The handling of private data is the subject of controversial public debate. Everyone expresses concerns about the handling of private data, but most people pass it on to third parties via social media without hesitation. A controversy that is often left hanging in the air.
Prometheus stores the instance or host name for every metric. If you want to filter your dashboard data based on the instance name you need a Grafana variable.
The pressure on working methodology in public administrations and institutions is increasing. Innovation and creativity are required. A prime example was the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH). Last summer, there was a call for the systematic collection of statistics on corona case numbers. At the time, the main means of communication at the FOPH was fax.