This makes me speechless
If you’re using windows and linux/unix and your also a system administrator who likes to script. The chances are high that you’ll get this error when executing a script on a linux/unix machine that has been made on a windows machine: bin/bash^M: bad interpreter: No such file or directoy The ^M character is a windows line break, which linux/unix can’t interpret. The solution is easy, use dos2unix [filename] and everything should work fine.
On Office365 the users have to be licensed in order to get access to the Office365 application. I’ve developed a PowerShell script which add a license depending on the group membership in the ActiveDirectory.
In diesem Blogbeitrag schildern wir Ihnen die Fakten der Datensicherung Ihrer SharePoint Online Plattform:
The PowerShell ActiveDirectory modules from Microsoft are definitely a pain. That’s why Quest (Dell) has developed a bunch of CMDlets to make the user management through PowerShell a lot easier.
I would like to show you how I create and update my AD users.
As base there’s always a CSV file like this one: TemplateADUsers
Recently I’ve setup a Office365 Service with ADFS (Active Directory Federation Service) and a DirSync Server.
Sadly I forgot about a huge disadvantage in this architecture, due to using ADFS as an authentication provider, it’s not possible to change a users password. The communication form the local ActiveDirectory environment to the cloud based Office365 services is only one directional.
That’s why there are only 2 options yet to handle the user password change and expiration:
At this time option 1 is active in my environment and option 2 is my goal.
In this post series want to show you the solution I’ve developed.
Let’s start with password expiration. Because Office365 doesn’t handle password expiration, that’s why I have to use another channel to show the users on which date their passwords expire: Let’s do it with an bulk e-mail job.
Here we go!