Janik von Rotz

This is a collection of projects by year since I came in touch with IT. It is supposed to be a showcase of my abilities and experience.


Odoo Apps: Hundres of Odoo extensions.


Odoo Wiki: An extensive documentation for Odoo users.


encrypt.casa: Python course about cryptography and encryption. Built with Obsidian and Vuepress.

python.casa: Python course for beginners. Built with Obsidian and Vuepress.

Certificate Planner: Odoo app to approve and manage aircraft documents and certificates.


Hugo new.css theme: This hugo theme is made from vanilla html and the default new.css.

Ansible Build: Collection of Ansible playbooks and roles.

Odoo Build: Setup Odoo development environment with Docker Compose.

Sauna Lorrainebad App: React native app for Sauna Lorrainebad.

engage.ch: Create a self-hosted solution for engage.ch Drupal application. Implement minor tweaks and design updates. Document internal structure and create administration manuals.

TODO.md: Standard for markdown todo files.

HydroMeBot: HydroMeBot is a Telegram bot that reminds you to water your plants.


ansible-docker-elk: This Ansible project deploys a fully configured ELK stack secured by a Nginx proxy. For each service there is an Ansible role. Services can be deployed independently.

abilium.com: New static website for the Abilium GmbH. Built and deployed with Hugo, Bootstrap and Jenkins.

labtrail: QR-code manager with multi-tenant support. Built with React, Apollo Graphql, Material-UI and the Zeit Now platform.

lorauna-stats: R markdown script that connects to he lorauna-api database and generates a visitor performance report.

Puppet Artemis Module: Local deployable Puppet module that configures an Artemis broker instance.


lorauna and lorauna-api: Developed a side project. Used the Apollo GraphQL products and facebook’s create-react-app to build a visitor management tool for a sauna club. Further installed a temperature sensor using a Rasperry Pi and integrated the measurements on the sauna website.

Secret: Managed and implemented the onsite and offsite deployment system for a complex identity and access management project. Took part in various stages of the software development process such as provisioning of artifacts, continuous integration, data staging, build process, testing, release management, knowledge management and integration. Consulted the customer on managing their VMWare infrastructure and building the integration stages.

tudluk: Tudluk creates a static html page that showcases your favorite books. You can then use headless chrome to take a screenshot of the page and create a beautiful poster.

Identitätsverbund Schweiz (IDV Schweiz): Deployed and configured the IDV identity broker infrastructure. Debugged and patched SAML related issues. Implemented new features and project improvements. Assisted identity and service provider participants during broker integration.


Turnerabend: A minimal one pager for a sports event built with gulp.

Learning Culture: Built a basic SCSS framework for the site and implemented a Sketch redesign.

Zenkom: Source of my bachelor’s degree project. Implemented a Meteor app to manage configurations of bus fleet communication systems and enhance user collaboration for a public transport company.

Faustball Alpnach: Sponsored website for a local sports team.


Meteor Apollo Accounts: Made a contribution based on the experience with the example app.

ok Chatbot: Chatbot for a Swiss retailer that delivers food deals to customers. Used natural language processing for this project and was in charge of building the chatbot architecture.

Meteor Apollo Accounts Example: Example app implementing Meteor Apollo Accounts.

Apometact: Chatbot management web app built with Apollo, Meteor and React. Open sourced as an example app for the Meteor community.

OLMOTO: Meteor app to create events and share photos with your friends. Taught a friend how to develop an app with Meteor using the Mantra architecture.

jobshop: Meteor app to solve the jobshop problem.

EverestCamp: Knowledge base application built with Meteor and React.


Issue Manager: Built a complex Java 3-tier application leading a project team of seven students.

Example 3-tier application: An introduction tutorial to build a Java 3-tier application.


ebas: A lightweight user friendly mysql content manager. It was my first PHP application.

ILIAS Synchronising Tool: A PowerShell tool to keep remote WebDAV and local folders in sync.

Your own Virtual Private Server hosting solution: Modular guide to build an advanced application server.


Install SharePoint 2013 Three-tier Farm: A comprehensive guide to install SharePoint in a 3-tier enterprise environment.

ActiveDirectory Password Change: Simple php application to change an Active Directory user password.

WP Bright Theme: My first and last WordPress theme.

PowerShell PowerUp: Super awesome PowerShell framework.

Typo3 Project Template: The perfect template for every Typo3 project.

Aptrix Website: Website for my parkour team.


Website Janik von Rotz: My first website using a windows tiles design.

Website Familie OW: Typo3 website for the local family care department.


Website Seminars ILZ: Typo3 based course registration application.

Website Steuern NW: Typo3 based website for the local tax administration.


2015: Sebastian Vonrotz: Relaunch: Made a new website with Koken to showcase pictures.

2015: Cedric Kiser: Website: A new WordPress site for a friend of mine.

2015: RowBook: My first Laravel application.

2014: Sebastian Vonrotz: Website: Wordpress website for my brother.

2013: JuBla Kerns Website: Local community website.

2013: The taste of Kiwi: Wordpress Website for a friend of mine.