Janik von Rotz

Find dead SharePoint ActiveDirectory Groups

The are three ways to handle access rights in SharePoint.

I personally recommend to use the first suggestion. Managing the access rights in one system is much easier to administrate, no switching or log off for administration work.

In our SharePoint installation I create for each securable resource and rights type a ActiveDirectory group and assign them organization groups.

A huge disadvantage of this strategy is that after a period of adding ActiveDirectory groups it’s hard to know which of those groups are really required.


Add View Folder link to search results page in SharePoint

In the default document search results in the SharePoint search center it is only possible to open the documents. It is not possible to navigate to the documents location.


Handling user password change and expiration issues with Office365 and ADFS – Part 2


This is part two of my experience in handling the password change office365 architecture issue.

Last time I’ve built a simple script  to notificate the users about the status of their passwords. In the mean time we (me and another employ of the “vbl Informatik”) built a simple website for the office365 users to change their password.


Kinaj 19 - I don’t know (Rock, Alternative)


Backup Public GitHub Gists

To manage my code snippets I’m using GitHubGist connected with Gistbox.

Sadly none of this services providing a backup nor a download function for the gist files. That’s why I came upwith the idea to download them with PowerShell script.

For first my script only can download public gists, because I don’t know how to implement an authentication, luckily each of my gists is public. I recommend you to do the same, it’s the idea of OpenSource.

So here’s the script:


Office365 ADFS Chrome Login fails

Today I experienced an exotic behaviour, a client couldn’t access his Office365 page due he wasn’t able to login on the ADFS authentication prompt.

After googling and binging (just kidding, NERD) I found a simple solution.


Soundcloud Artist of the Day

While crawling the soundcloud newcomers and indie artists I felt in love with Sir Sly.

They seem a little bit shy about publicising personal informations but that doesn’t really matter.

Their music is simple and solid, nice to hear by day and night.

You can follow them on youtube, twitterfacebook and instagram.



ExchangeOnline OWA Policies - Disable OWA light

To alter the Exchange owa policies you can access them Using the Office365 administration site and navigate to the Exchange section. In the default policy editor are only limited options available.

![owa policy settings](/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/2013-09-09-09_45_09-Outlook-Web-App-Postfachrichtlinie.png)


SharePoint 2010 Manage Content And Structure Is Missing

Content and structure option was present in SharePoint Server 2007, if you are not able to see this option on your SharePoint site in SharePoint 2010 then don’t be surprised, this option still exist in this version as a feature.

There are two sections on which you can see this option, if you are missing this option then lets analyze which sections we are talking about.


Managed Metadata in SharePoint 2013/Office365

The Managed Metadata feature in SharePoint 2010/2013/Office365 enables a new way to manage your documents and other company related informations.

Yet most file systems store their files in an hierarchical structure, with SharePoint and the Managed Metadata Service you can setup a document management system.

To get into this Managed Metadata Service thing, I’ve found a great video.