Finally! Manage Exchange mailbox permissions with Active Directory groups
I’ve tried many ways to assign permissions for an Active Directory group on a Exchange (2010) mailbox, but it’s simply not possible.
Fortunately nothing’s impossible with PowerShell.
The following script can handle this issue by:

Apache vHost with SSL Certicate converted from .pfx Export file
This is an simple example for an Apache vHost SSL vHost configuration:
DocumentRoot /var/www/
SSLEngine on
SSLCertificateFile /path/to/certificate.crt
SSLCertificateKeyFile /path/to/keyfile.key

Install SharePoint 2013 Three-tier Farm - Run the SharePoint 2013 Service Account Creator
This post of is part of my Install SharePoint 2013 Three-tier Farm project.
As many other Windows services SharePoint and SQL Server requires different service accounts in order to run secure and reliable.
There are different concepts and strategies to create service accounts for a SharePoint installation. One of the most reliable solution I’ve found here.

Install SharePoint 2013 Three-tier Farm - Designing the Logical Architecture
This post of is part of my Install SharePoint 2013 Three-tier Farm project.
I assume that the reader of this tutorial has already defined the business requirements for this SharePoint installation.
The physical architecture depends on the requirements of the logical design. That’s why you have to define you logical architecture first.

Export all Terms from Managed Metadata Service
Migrating you Managed Metadata Terms to another SharePoint installation? First thing to do: Export.
This scripts exports all terms sorted by term group, term set and its level.

O3M 28 - Holy (Hip-Hop, trap)

Google is watching you
The site: https://donttrack.us/ shows in a comprehensible way how googles data greed can affect you real life.
And if you still think this is just conspiracy, you have to know, that people thought the same about the NSA years ago.
Asking what you can do? Check out this site: https://prism-break.org
Interested in this issue? Look further on these sites:

Update Obsolete User Principal Names in Office 365 Windows Azure Directory
It could happen that the directory sync service (DirSync) doesn’t sync the users UserPrincipalName correctly.
I had an issue where the UserPrincipalName from a user in the Office 365 windows azure directory has been made based on the user’s sAMAccountname. This wouldn’t be problem if as long the sAMAccountname is the as same as the UserPrincipalName, but as you can guess this is not everywhere the case.