In web development there are tons of programs and tools and due to that also complex and very different development strategies.
Luckily dependency handling got a lot easier. For my Laravel project setup we will use 3 different package managers.
Every package manager of course manages a different resource, we will use composer for php packages, npm for everything related to Node.js and Bower for web packages.
I’m going to develop a Laravel application with my friends. The application is called RowBook. It will be a simple tool to log all the trips of the row club Lucerne.
This is an update and support for inspiration by my creative sources. I follow several blogs by either a creative collective, young entrepreneurs or talented photographers. In appreciation for sharing their work I would like to show you personal recent favourites.
Abandoned places have a special attraction to me. There are not many places where you literally can experience the past. Thinking of past times is always difficult, most of the times you’ll end up thinking of black and white pictures you’ve seen somewhere before, would you agree? By visiting abandoned places you always get a small piece of past times. The more often you’ll visit such places the more that picute of the past changes in you head.
With some friends I’ve seen a couple of these dirty und dusty places and made tons of photos. I want to show you my favorites.
This short guide will tell you how you can turn your computer into a hotspot to share a internet connection with you wlan devices.
We assumed that you either have your computer connected with the internet by a cable or a mobile data connection, or you have not internet connection at all and just want create a LAN (local computer network).
Hurray, WordPress 4.1 and the Jetpack Plugin 3.3 has been released.
Jetpack is a must have plugin for your WordPress site, it offers tons of new functions and integrates your blog neatly with your account. If you haven’t already installed it, head right now to your plugin manager!
With the last Update the developer have added a great feature. It’s now possible to manage the plugins for multiple Wordpress sites at one location.
Here’s a screenshot, which shows the plugins admin panel of