Janik von Rotz

Mac OS batch resize images

You can easily batch resize groups of images within Mac OS by using the included Preview app, that is, taking a group of pictures set at one or various resolutions, and collectively resize them all together in a group to a new resolution.


Convert markdown wiki Links to html links

Wiki-Links [[ ]] are not part of the markdown specification, but are often used by markdown editors such as Obsidian. As they are not supported by most markdown converters we need to convert the wiki links on our own.


Grafana OAuth with Keycloak and how to validate a JWT token

In this tutorial I am going to show how you can connect a Garafana container that is hidden behind proxy with Keycloak. We want to log into Grafana with a Keycloak user and experience a seamless SSO-flow. Therefore we are going to configure an OAuth client for Grafana.


Backup Docker volumes with this script

The official Docker documentation has section about container backup. This section tells you how to backup an attached volume and the command to do so is pretty elaborate. For automating backups you don’t want to script parametrized commands such as this one. A simple script will do the job.


Open Source Software is not free

Open Source Software (OSS) is free to access. Everybody can download the code, change it and build something new. This requires expertise. Expertise that is hard to find on the market. Therefore open source software is not free.


Traverse the Elsass

Together with my brother and father we cycled through the Elsass/Alsace in nothern France. We started in Karlsruhe (Germany), headed over to Wissembourg and rode 450km back to Basel (Switzerland). The route we took was the paved version of the Traversée du Massif Vosgien (TMV). Even though we would have enjoyed the dirt road, our equipment was not ready. We sticked to the streets which took us from hill to village and over two passes.


Bulk export OneNote notebooks to markdown and other formats

I have decided to ditch corporate software and replace everything with open source software. It is an ongoing process that takes some time. Open source alternatives took some strides in recent years. One of the rising stars is Nextcloud. It is a self-hosted data platform that lets you keep control. Featurewise we do not have to start a discussion. Everything runs in your browser, there is a mobile app and client for all desktops.


Backup and delete your Instagram account

For a while I had the idea that I need an account on all social media platforms in order to stay up to date. But as many other did, I grew tired of social media. Not only tired, but also bothered of having my personal data sold. Facebook is the elephant in the room. Not only have the failed to moderate their content properly, but they also showed an in-compliance with their own terms. This platform is no longer about connecting people, it is all about connecting data points and make it more useful for advertiser. The deal of getting social interaction and provide data in exchange has turned for the worse. I firmly believe that social media companies do not have a sustainable business model and therefore should not be supported.


Pin and update Ubuntu packages with Ansible

Patching is an essential part in server maintenance. For Windows servers and clients you have WSUS to coordinate updates and security patches. But how do you patch Ubuntu, Debian, RHEL or Fedora machines? The linux distro field is very dispersed, how do you do patch all these systems? In this post I will show you how I install package updates and ensure that specific packages cannot be updated using version pinning.


Restore Odoo database with this script

Odoo’s database manager provides an simple interface to backup and restore an Odoo database (aka tenant). This interface can be used to run scripted restores. In the same manner as the Odoo backup script I’ve created a restore script.