Janik von Rotz

Why you shouldn’t disable Adblock

Let’s face it, there are people (count me in) who dislike any kind of advertisement. I really get annoyed of any kind of pop-up flashing attention distractions adverb on sites I’m visiting.

The solution is simple, just download Adblock Plus and you’ll never see them again.

You want to know why I’am writing about this?


Netwars Project - Today’s IT threads well explained

This time I want to tell you about the netwars project. It’s a fact based cross platform experience exploring the impending threat of cyber warfare.

There’s a web series, tv production, digital graphic novel and soon an audio book will be released.


SharePoint PowerShell remoting double hop scenario

PowerShell remoting can be difficult to understand. There are many things to configure and unknown limitations. With multiple server to access from one remoting session it gets even more difficult.

For example my latest issue with a three tier SharePoint environment. I thought I configured everything correctly:


Install HHVM

This post is part of my Your own Virtual Private Server hosting solution project.
Get the latest version of this article here: https://gist.github.com/10816750.


HHVM is an open-source virtual machine designed for executing programs written in Hack and PHP. HHVM uses a just-in-time (JIT) compilation approach to achieve superior performance while maintaining the development flexibility that PHP provides.


Disable WordPress plugins manually

With the WordPress 3.9 Update I also received several plugin updates for my blogs.

One Update was for WP-Piwik. As I’ve updated the plugin I got several errors and the site become unreachable.

So the only way the to disable this malicious plugin was either via ftp or with phpMyAdmin.

I’ve decided to do it with phpMyAdmin.


Install WPScan

This post is part of my Your own Virtual Private Server hosting solution project.
Get the latest version of this article here: https://gist.github.com/11214650.


WPScan is a black box WordPress vulnerability scanner.


Prevent a lot of spam on your next php form with this simple trick

Spam bots were parsing websites html to code and searching for form patterns. What they luckily don’t do in most cases is running javascript or applying css code. This behaviour is a good way to tell a human from a spambot apart.

Here is a simple example of how to make use of this behaviour to prevent a lot of spam.


Install Ruby and RubyGems with RVM

This post is part of my Your own Virtual Private Server hosting solution project. Get the latest version of this article here: https://gist.github.com/11215397.


Ruby is a dynamic, open source programming language with a focus on simplicity and productivity. To install Ruby we are going to use RVM (Ruby Version Manager). This installation differs from other as you don’t run it with user privilegs, that means no more sudoing for this guide.


O3M 38 - Avec Plaisir (Dance, House)


Unattended Encrypted Incremental Backup to Amazon S3

This post is part of my Your own Virtual Private Server hosting solution project.
Get the latest version of this article here: https://gist.github.com/9410478.


For this task we are going to configure a duplicity script wrapper. Unregarded of the installation instructions it’s expected that you have already signed up for an Amazon account and know how to use their services.