Janik von Rotz

System Observability and Chaos Engineering

At the last Jazoon tech days I learned about the current state of DevOps and other related topics. During the talks “chaos engineering” and “observability” were mentioned many times. I didn’t know either and became curious what it was about.


Undo a pushed git merge

First of all the solution to the problem I am tackling should not exist in the first place. If you have to revert a merge on a git branch, think about alternatives. If not other option is left, I’ll show you how you can undo a merge with git revert.


Demystifying Data Science Hypes

Yesterday Prof. Dr. Diego Kuonen paid a visit at my company and held a lecture about data science and analytics. I enjoyed his presentation very much.


Hiking in the Bergell

A friend of mine, who went working abroad last year, spent a few weeks in Switzerland. As he missed the mountains a lot, we decided to go hiking and camping in the south of Switzerland.

Equipped with two tents, 3 cookers and some clothes we took a 6 hour train ride from Central Switzerland to Bivio.


Central Switzerland

Over the last years I’ve visited many places in and around Central Switzerland. I’ve never been disappointed by the vast views and monumental mountains and valleys. Below you’ll find a collection of my favorite images of Central Switzerland.


O3M 78 - VHS

My fuel at work. Heavily inspired by the 80s, which I never experienced.


PL SQL - Declare an array of objects and loop insert statements

While gathering informations about how an array with objects can be declared in PlSQL and the processed by aa for loop, I ended up with very different results. Some people created temporary tables and other defined complex new types. It was difficult to see through. By prioritizing simpler and more common approaches, I ended up with a suitable solution.

Before we have a look at the the PlSQL script, let me introduce you to the scenario I had to resolve.


Ai Weiwei Sunflower Seeds

Recently I remembered the sunflower seeds art installation by the social activist Ai Weiwei and was curious how he managed to produce those 100 million seeds. I ended up with at a documentation by the tate collective:


Quote by Richard Thaler

People Aren’t Dumb. The World Is Hard.
– Richard Thaler

Richard Thaler won a nobel prize for showing that humans tend to make irrational decisions. He is the founder of behavioral economics and took an unlikely way to success.

In the latest Freakonomics podcast Steve Dubner interviews Richard Thaler, clears some misunderstandings and gives insight on how Thaler deals with lazyness and his efforts to fix the world.

I love this quote because it emphasizes my personal view point. As an individium we feel obligated to know everything and strive for perfection in every domain of live. In contrast the world has become more complex and only through collaboration people can achieve anything at all.


Hugo Soundcloud shortcode

The Hugo templating system is very flexible. Even when markdown falls short you can add simple snippets inside the content files. Hugo created shortcodes to circumvent the limitations. For my blog I have create a custom shortcode for embeding Soundcloud playlists into my markdown posts. Creating custom shortcodes is very easy. I will show you how it is done and moreover provide a tool to convert existing Soundcloud set urls into the custom Soundcloud shortcode.