Die Schnellen haben es bemerkt, unser neues Video wurde veröffentlicht. Nur leider hat es nicht die gewünschte Qualität auf YouTube und wurde sogleich gelöscht. Wir werden einen neuen Versuch starten… via Aptrix https://aptrix.ch/2013/08/03/unser-neues-video-in-kuerze/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=unser-neues-video-in-kuerze
This is a simple example of how to create a report of your Active Directory users. The first command imports the PowerShell Active Directory module, which should be installed by default, otherwhise do this:
Import-Module ActiveDirectory Get-ADUser -Filter {EmailAddress -like "*"} -Properties * | select DisplayName, GivenName, Name, Surname, mail, SamAccountName, Department, Title, extensionAttribute1, extensionAttribute2 | Out-GridView And the second command creates a simple report.
I love this picture :D Anyway today is my birthday and that’s why you get a cool vector collection of my favorite quotes:
Download zipped Quotes.svg
Use software like Inkscape or Adobe Illustrator and create some big posters for your bedroom or office wall.
Recently I had to add a host to the hosts file. What made my angry about this was the fact that I had to do it manually, if you’ve ever used a unix/linux machine this feels so wrong.
That’s why I’ve created several PowerShell functions to make the manipulation of the hosts file easier.