Manage Users in ActiveDirectory with PowerShell
The PowerShell ActiveDirectory modules from Microsoft are definitely a pain. That’s why Quest (Dell) has developed a bunch of CMDlets to make the user management through PowerShell a lot easier.
I would like to show you how I create and update my AD users.
As base there’s always a CSV file like this one: TemplateADUsers

Kinaj 15 - Nimbus (chill, electro house)

Handling user password change and expiration issues with Office365 and ADFS - Part 1
Recently I’ve setup a Office365 Service with ADFS (Active Directory Federation Service) and a DirSync Server.
Sadly I forgot about a huge disadvantage in this architecture, due to using ADFS as an authentication provider, it’s not possible to change a users password. The communication form the local ActiveDirectory environment to the cloud based Office365 services is only one directional.
That’s why there are only 2 options yet to handle the user password change and expiration:
- Disable the users password expiration or
- Set up a enterprise connected platform to deal with the password change and expiration.
At this time option 1 is active in my environment and option 2 is my goal.
In this post series want to show you the solution I’ve developed.
Let’s start with password expiration. Because Office365 doesn’t handle password expiration, that’s why I have to use another channel to show the users on which date their passwords expire: Let’s do it with an bulk e-mail job.

Aptrix - Freerunning and Parkour Roadtrip
Here we go!
Unser neues Video in kürze…
Die Schnellen haben es bemerkt, unser neues Video wurde veröffentlicht. Nur leider hat es nicht die gewünschte Qualität auf YouTube und wurde sogleich gelöscht. Wir werden einen neuen Versuch starten…
via Aptrix https://aptrix.ch/2013/08/03/unser-neues-video-in-kuerze/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=unser-neues-video-in-kuerze

Kinaj 14 - Suit Up

Active Directory User Reporting
This is a simple example of how to create a report of your Active Directory users. The first command imports the PowerShell Active Directory module, which should be installed by default, otherwhise do this:
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
Get-ADUser -Filter {EmailAddress -like "*"} -Properties * | select DisplayName, GivenName, Name, Surname, mail, SamAccountName, Department, Title, extensionAttribute1, extensionAttribute2 | Out-GridView
And the second command creates a simple report.

Kinaj 13 - Dynamite