Deploy Ubuntu server
This post is part of my Your own Virtual Private Server hosting solution project. Get the latest version of this article here: https://gist.github.com/9468612.
Why Ubuntu?
- Ubuntu is the leading and most popular Linux distro.
- It's easy to install, deploy and manage.
- Ubuntu remains the most popular operating system for OpenStack deployments.
- It's available for multiple devices.
- Ubuntu benefits from a huge community support since ever.

New Office 365 user can not be found in directory
As part of the user provisioning process in my company every user account gets an Office 365 license.
2 days ago in the after noon I’ve created an new user account, synced it with DirSync and applied an new Office 365 E1 license.
When I’ve tried access the SharePoint Online website via ADFS SSO, I received an error message like this:

For those who couldn’t attend SharePoint Conference 2014
For those who couldn’t attend SharePoint Conference 2014 including me, the guy from Absolute SharePoint Blog has published a script to download all slides and videos of the presentations at SPC2014.

Install .NET Framework 3.5 on Windows Server 2012 and Windows Server 2012 R2
To install the .Net Framework 3.5 on Windows Server 2012 and Windows Server 2012 R2 you have to enable the install feature from the online source.
Now you should be able to install the feature with server management console.

SharePoint 2013 navigation sub menu titles cut off
By default SharePoint 2013 cuts off long sub menu titles in the navigation.
SharePoint expects only titles without spaces in between words. This is miss behaviour is simply solved by adding a custom css in the master page template.

Update Hostfile with Chrome/Firefox Plugin
Domain-ip mapping is essential in developing new websites as you have to test URLs without changing DNS entries.
Yet I’ve always update the local host file which requires in most cases a restart of the browser. This is a busy an troublesome issue.
Luckily there’s for everything a plugin, tool or script, this also goes for host file updates via Chrome/Firefox plugin.

Your own Virtual Private Server hosting solution
VPS (Virtual Private Server) hosting is the next level up from shared hosting. Due to the explosive progress in cloud computing now everybody can afford a virtual private server.
Compared to a conventional cloud hosting solution with VPS you’ll gain full control of your data. With VPS you are responsible that your data is secured, available and always backed up.
There are many hosters which offer a VPS soution. However the bigger the company in this business the cheaper is their VPS service.

10 new photos every 10 days
On the tumblr website https://unsplash.com/ you’ll get every 10 days 10 new high resolution photographs made by various dedicated photographers.
This website offers is a pleasant way to explore nice photographs and learn about unknown and passionate photographers. Every photo is free for download, you can use them for whatever you like.
Here’s one of my favourites so far:

Let’s get weird: Website of the day
This is definitely the best website on the internet right now: https://www.lingscars.com