Janik von Rotz

1 min read

Map Keyboard Key

I am using a “Keychron K3 Pro” keyboard. Right of the space key there is a “Super” key to run the launcher (similar to windows key). Therefore the “Alt Right” key is missing and this makes creating umlauts more difficult. I am using the “Enlgish (int, with AltGr dead keys)” keyboard layout and pressing Alt Right+Shift Right+" gives me the ¨. Remapping a key in linux is very easy.

To identify the keys we need the scancode. You can run the following command to output the scancodes of the pressed keys:

sudo showkey --scancodes

The first code, in my case 0xe0, is the super key.

I use hwdb (hardware database) to remap the key. Create a new config file.

sudo vi /etc/udev/hwdb.d/70-keyboard.hwdb

And enter this input:


In my case it was:


Reload the hardware database and the key is mapped.

sudo systemd-hwdb update
sudo udevadm trigger


I found a simpler way to write umlauts. As the Alt Right key acts as the compose key. The compose key can be re-assigned:

With this assignment I still don’t have a Alt Right key, but at least I can write ä,ö and ü.

Categories: Desktop
Tags: linux , terminal , keyboard
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