Janik von Rotz

7 min read

Convert Obsidian canvas to SVG

I am using Obsidian for note taking and writing documentation. With Canvas-Feature you can create simple visualizations and link notes from the vault. Here is an example:

As simple as it seems, there was not builtin-way to export the visualization and f.g. publish it on a website. Luckily, the canvas file is a simple JSON document and therefore can be processed pretty easy. I build a render Method in JavaScript that takes the canvas content and returns it as a SVG image.

Here is what it a canvas file looks like:


		{"id":"c2b83b58ff104957","x":-150,"y":-200,"width":250,"height":60,"color":"1","type":"text","text":"Create canvas in Obsidian"},
		{"type":"text","text":"Export as SVG","id":"3bbb4a8b9a8a726b","x":240,"y":10,"width":250,"height":60,"color":"5"}

Nodes are the rectangles in the canvas editor and edges are the arrows connecting them.

With the help of JavaScript I was able to generate this SVG:


The script has several methods:

The main challenge was to calculate the actual positions of the arrows. As you can see in the canvas document the edges do not have a fixed position.

function mapColor(color) {
    colors = {
        0: '#7e7e7e',
        1: '#aa363d',
        2: '#a56c3a',
        3: '#aba960',
        4: '#199e5c',
        5: '#249391',
        6: '#795fac'
    let appliedColor = colors[0]
    if (color && (0 < color.length < 2)) {
        appliedColor = colors[color]
    if (color && (1 < color.length)) {
        appliedColor = color
    return appliedColor
function renderNode(node) {
    const strockWidth = 4
    const fontWeight = 'bold'
    const fontFamily = 'Roboto, Oxygen, Ubuntu, Cantarell, sans-serif'

    let textOffsetX = 15
    let textOffsetY = 0
    let fontColor = '#2c2d2c'
    let fontSize = 15
    let content = ''

    // Render default text

    if (node['text']) {
        content = `
            p {
                font-family: ${fontFamily};
                font-size: ${fontSize}px;
                color: ${fontColor};
        <foreignObject x="${node['x'] + textOffsetX}" y="${node['y'] + textOffsetY}" width="${node['width'] - textOffsetX*2}" height="${node['height'] - textOffsetY*2}">
        <p xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" class="${node['id']}">${node['text']}</p>

    // Render multiline text

    if (node['text'] && node['text'].split('\n').length > 1) {
        let spans = ''
        for (const line of node['text'].split('\n')) {
            spans += `<tspan x="${node['x'] + textOffsetX}" dy="${fontSize + 3}">${line}</tspan>`
        textOffsetY = 10
        content = `<text x="${node['x'] + textOffsetX}" y="${node['y'] + textOffsetY}" font-family="${fontFamily}" fill="${fontColor}">${spans}</text>`

    // Render linked markdown file

    if (node['file'] && node['file'].endsWith('.md')) {
        title = node['file'].replace('.md', '')
        text = `<a href="/${title.toLowerCase()}.html">${title}</a>`
        fontColor = '#9a7fee'
        fontSize = 28
        textOffsetX = 30
        textOffsetY = 45
        content = `<text x="${node['x'] + textOffsetX}" y="${node['y'] + textOffsetY}" font-family="${fontFamily}" font-size="${fontSize}" font-weight="${fontWeight}" fill="${fontColor}">${text}</text>`
    // Render image

    if (node['file'] && !node['file'].endsWith('.md')) {
        filePath = node['file']

        const base64_content = fs.readFileSync(filePath, "base64")
        extension = path.extname(filePath).replace('.', '')

        content = `<image href="${`data:image/{extension};base64,${base64_content}`}" x="${node['x']}" y="${node['y']}" width="${node['width']}" height="${node['height']}" clip-path="inset(0% round 15px)" />`
        fontColor = '#9a7fee'

    return `
    <rect x="${node['x']}" y="${node['y']}" width="${node['width']}" height="${node['height']}" rx="15" stroke="${mapColor(node['color'])}" stroke-width="${strockWidth}" fill="none"/>
function renderGroup(group) {
    const strockWidth = 4
    const fontWeight = 'bold'
    const fontFamily = 'Roboto, Oxygen, Ubuntu, Cantarell, sans-serif'

    let textOffsetX = 15
    let textOffsetY = -15
    let fontColor = '#2c2d2c'
    let fillColor = '#fbfbfb'
    let text = group['label']
    let fontSize = 24

    return `
    <rect x="${group['x']}" y="${group['y']}" width="${group['width']}" height="${group['height']}" rx="30" stroke="${mapColor(group['color'])}" stroke-width="${strockWidth}" fill="${fillColor}"/>
    <text x="${group['x'] + textOffsetX}" y="${group['y'] + textOffsetY}" font-family="${fontFamily}" font-size="${fontSize}" font-weight="${fontWeight}" fill="${fontColor}">${text}</text>
function renderEdge(edge) {
    const id = edge['id']
    const strockWidth = 5
    const color = mapColor(edge['color'])
    const fromSide = edge['fromSide']
    const toSide = edge['toSide']
    const fontFamily = 'Roboto, Oxygen, Ubuntu, Cantarell, sans-serif'
    const fontColor = '#2c2d2c'

    let marker = `marker-end="url(#arrow-end-${id})"`
    let fromOffset = 1
    let toOffset = 11
    let fromX = edge['fromX'] 
    let fromY = edge['fromY']
    let toX = edge['toX']
    let toY = edge['toY']
    let label = ''

    // Set arrow marker

    if(edge['fromEnd'] === 'arrow') {
        marker = `marker-end="url(#arrow-end-${id})" marker-start="url(#arrow-start-${id})"`
        fromOffset = 11
    if(edge['toEnd'] === 'none') {
        marker = ''
        toOffset = 1

    // Calculate position with offset

    if (fromSide === 'right') {
        fromX += fromOffset
    if (fromSide === 'bottom') {
        fromY += fromOffset
    if (fromSide === 'left') {
        fromX -= fromOffset
    if (fromSide === 'top') {
        fromY -= fromOffset
    if (toSide === 'right') {
        toX += toOffset
    if (toSide === 'bottom') {
        toY += toOffset
    if (toSide === 'left') {
        toX -= toOffset
    if (toSide === 'top') {
        toY -= toOffset

    // Add label if is set

    if(edge['label']) {
        // Calculate position with offset
        let labelLength = edge['label'].length*4
        let labelX = fromX - labelLength
        let labelY = fromY

        if (toX > fromX) {
            labelX += Math.abs((fromX-toX)/2)
        if (toY > fromY) {
            labelY += Math.abs((fromY-toY)/2)
        if (toX < fromX) {
            labelX -= Math.abs((toX-fromY)/2)
        if (toY < fromY) {
            labelY -= Math.abs((toY-fromY)/2)

        label = content = `<text x="${labelX}" y="${labelY}" font-family="${fontFamily}" fill="${fontColor}">${edge['label']}</text>`

    return `
    <marker xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" id="arrow-end-${id}" viewBox="0 0 10 10" refX="1" refY="5" fill="${color}" markerUnits="strokeWidth" markerWidth="3" markerHeight="3" orient="auto">
        <path d="M 0 0 L 7 5 L 0 10 z"/>
    <marker xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" id="arrow-start-${id}" viewBox="-10 -10 10 10" refX="-1" refY="-5" fill="${color}" markerUnits="strokeWidth" markerWidth="3" markerHeight="3" orient="auto">
        <path d="M 0 0 L -7 -5 L -0 -10 z"/>
    <line x1="${fromX}" y1="${fromY}" x2="${toX}" y2="${toY}" stroke="${color}" stroke-width="${strockWidth}" ${marker} />
function convertCanvasToSVG(content) {

    nodes = content['nodes']
    edges = content['edges']

    let svg = ""
    svg += '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>\n'
    svg += '<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg11.dtd">\n'    

    // Calculate view box position

    let minX = 0
    let minY = 0

    for (const node of nodes) {
        nodeX = node['x']
        nodeY = node['y']
        nodeWith = node['width']
        nodeHeight = node['height']

        if (nodeX < minX) {
            minX = nodeX
        if (nodeY < minY) {
            minY = nodeY

    // Caclulate view box size

    let width = 0
    let height = 0

    for (const node of nodes) {
        nodeX = node['x']
        nodeY = node['y']
        nodeWith = node['width']
        nodeHeight = node['height']

        nodeMaxX = Math.abs(nodeX - minX) + nodeWith
        if (width < nodeMaxX) {
            width = nodeMaxX
        nodeMaxY = Math.abs(nodeY - minY) + nodeHeight
        if (height < nodeMaxY) {
            height = nodeMaxY

    // Add view box

    const spacing = 50
    svg += `<svg viewBox="${minX-spacing} ${minY-spacing} ${width+spacing*2} ${height+spacing*2}" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">\n`

	// Render group as rect

    for (const group of nodes.filter(node => (node['type'] === 'group'))) {
        svg += renderGroup(group)
    for (const edge of edges) {
        const fromSide = edge['fromSide']
        const toSide = edge['toSide']
        let fromX = 0
        let fromY = 0
        let toX = 0
        let toY = 0

        // Get start and target nodes

        fromNode = nodes.filter(node => (node['id'] === edge['fromNode']))[0]
        toNode = nodes.filter(node => (node['id'] === edge['toNode']))[0]

        // Calculate x and y position of arrow start

        if (fromSide === 'right') {
            fromX = fromNode['x'] + fromNode['width']
            fromY = fromNode['y'] + fromNode['height'] / 2
        if (fromSide === 'bottom') {
            fromX = fromNode['x'] + fromNode['width'] / 2 
            fromY = fromNode['y'] + fromNode['height']
        if (fromSide === 'left') {
            fromX = fromNode['x']
            fromY = fromNode['y'] + fromNode['height'] / 2
        if (fromSide === 'top') {
            fromX = fromNode['x'] + fromNode['width'] / 2
            fromY = fromNode['y']
        edge['fromX'] = fromX
        edge['fromY'] = fromY

        // Calculate x and y position of arrow target        

        if (toSide === 'right') {
            toX = toNode['x'] + toNode['width']
            toY = toNode['y'] + toNode['height'] / 2
        if (toSide === 'bottom') {
            toX = toNode['x'] + toNode['width'] / 2 
            toY = toNode['y'] + toNode['height']
        if (toSide === 'left') {
            toX = toNode['x']
            toY = toNode['y'] + toNode['height'] / 2
        if (toSide === 'top') {
            toX = toNode['x'] + toNode['width'] / 2
            toY = toNode['y']
        edge['toX'] = toX
        edge['toY'] = toY

        svg += renderEdge(edge)

    // Render nodes as rect

    for (const node of nodes.filter(node => (['text', 'file'].includes(node['type'])))) {
        svg += renderNode(node)

    svg += '</svg>'

    return svg

I am pretty sure the calculation can be done more efficiently. Nonetheless, it was a lot of fun to wrap my head around this problem.

Categories: Knowledge
Tags: obisidan , svg , canvas
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