2 min read
Develop business applications with Odoo
In Odoo, various applications are packaged, which work together, but also standalone. For example, the Contact app stores all address data of the company. The Human Resources application for managing employees or the CRM access this address data.
Technical features such as access management, report generation, data management or analyses are also packaged under a uniform Odoo interface. These features can be used by software developers without development effort. New applications or extensions to existing apps can be developed in a flash.
So Odoo not only is an ERP system, but also a development framework. With Odoo, customized applications can be developed based on a robust framework.
My company Mint System accompanied a customer who has been using a Microsoft Access application for several years. The application has become outdated and is no longer supported by the latest Microsoft Office version.
Within the frame of an development project the existing application has been replaced by a new one. This procedure has been applied:
- Analysis of the existing data structure
- Document existing work processes
- Design of a new data model based on Odoo
- Development of data migration scripts
- Requirements engineering for the new app
- Iterative development of the new Odoo app
- Replacement of the existing application and project completion
In just a few steps, we can migrate a legacy application to a state-of-the-art browser app.
Development frameworks are a dime a dozen. What are the advantages of developing with the Odoo framework?
User and access management through Odoo
Solutions for user and group management are already provided by Odoo. Integrating the application into the ActiveDirectory or an authentication solution with OAuth is possible without any challenges.
Association with existing Odoo entities
Odoo manages several hundreds of business objects like project, tasks, working hours, employees, invoices, cost centers or messages. Each of these objects can be linked to the cusotm development.
Predefined elements for the user interface
Odoo offers different views for the data to be displayed: Lists, Graphs, Kanban, Pivot, Grid, Gantt or Map. These views can be adopted for your own data.
Mobile Support
All Odoo apps work on mobile devices. The developer does not have to develop a responsive design.
Security and robustness
Odoo is used by thousands of companies. From SMEs to large companies. Correspondingly many security bugs have been closed, experiences in productive environment gathered and internal company data collected. Odoo is a secure and proven framework for business applications.
Categories: Business ITTags: odoo , development , framework
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