Janik von Rotz

8 min read

The final rpm packaging guide

A customer required that every component of a software project I worked for is delivered as rpm.

This was problematic for Apache ActiveMQ Artemis as there is no rpm available.

But, the maintainer publishes a binary tarball and this is all we need to build an rpm.

So in this post I am going to show how to build an rpm from a tarball and explain the rpm build process in detail.


I highly recommend to read the RPM Packaging Guide to get a basic understanding of the rpm build and packaging process.


Lets get started by installing some dev tools.

httpie - Modern alternative to wget and curl.

sudo yum install httpie

rpmbuild - Utility to build rpms.

sudo yum install rpm-build

rpmdev - Dev utilities to build rpms.

sudo yum install rpmdevtools

rpmlint - Tool for checking common errors in rpm packages.

sudo yum install rpmlint

Test Setup

Before we setup the dev chain for the apache Artemis package, let’s get familiar with an hello world example.

Create a working dir wherever you would like.

mkdir rpmbuild

Create a symbolic to the rpmbuild folder from the home folder.

ln -s /path/to/rpmbuild ~/rpmbuild

Add default directories to build the RPM

cd ~/rpmbuild; rpmdev-setuptree

Macro Name Name Location Purpose
%_specdir Specification directory ~/rpmbuild/SPECS RPM specifications (.spec) files
%_sourcedir Source directory ~/rpmbuild/SOURCES Pristine source package (e.g. tarballs) and patches
%_builddir Build directory ~/rpmbuild/BUILD Source files are unpacked and compiled in a subdirectory underneath this.
%_buildrootdir Build root directory ~/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT Files are installed under here during the %install stage.
%_rpmdir Binary RPM directory ~/rpmbuild/RPMS Binary rpms are created and stored under here.
%_srcrpmdir Source RPM directory ~/rpmbuild/SRPMS Source rpms are created and stored here.

Create spec file for the hello world example.

touch ~/rpmbuild/SPECS/hello-world.spec

And set the following content.

Name:       hello-world
Version:    1
Release:    0
Summary:    Most simple RPM package
License:    FIXME

This is my first RPM package, which does nothing.

# we have no source, so nothing here

cat > hello-world.sh <<EOF
echo Hello world

mkdir -p %{buildroot}/usr/bin/
install -m 755 hello-world.sh %{buildroot}/usr/bin/hello-world.sh


# let skip this for now

Build the hello world rpm.

cd ~/rpmbuild; rpmbuild -ba SPECS/hello-world.spec

Install the rpm.

sudo yum install RPMS/x86_64/hello-world-1-0.x86_64.rpm -y

Run hello world.


If the installation was successful you should see now the output: hello world.

Uninstall the hello world rpm.

sudo yum remove hello-world -y

Now the hello world command must not be available.

I assume that the hello world spec file is easy to understand. The install section might be misleading, but I will cover that in the next chapter.

Lets move with the more complex case.

Apache Artemis Spec File

Create the spec file for the apache Artemis.

touch ~/rpmbuild/SPECS/apache-artemis.spec

Navigate into the sources folder.

cd ~/rpmbuild/SOURCES

And download the apache Artemis binary.

http -d http://www.pirbot.com/mirrors/apache/activemq/activemq-artemis/2.6.4/apache-artemis-2.6.4-bin.tar.gz


The spec file has been split into multiple sections. Copy and paste the snippet for every section and read the notes carefully.

##### HEADER SECTION #####

Name:           apache-artemis
Version:        2.6.4
Release:        0
Summary:        Rpm package for Apache ActiveMQ Artemis

License:        ASL 2.0
URL:            http://activemq.apache.org/artemis/
Source0:        %{name}-%{version}-bin.tar.gz

Requires:       shadow-utils,bash

BuildArch:      noarch


# disable debuginfo, which is useless on binary-only packages
%define debug_package %{nil}

In the header section metadata is defined for the build process and for the package itself.



# unpack tarball
%setup -q

##### BUILD SECTION #####

# empty section

We use a tarball source, so no build step apart from unpacking the file is required. The %setup is a macro that extracts the tarball.



# create Apache Artemis service group
getent group artemis >/dev/null || groupadd -f -g 30101 -r artemis

# create Apache Artemis service user
if ! getent passwd artemis >/dev/null ; then
    if ! getent passwd 30101 >/dev/null ; then
      useradd -r -u 30101 -g artemis -d /home/artemis -s /sbin/nologin -c "Apache Artemis service account" artemis
      useradd -r -g artemis -d /home/artemis -s /sbin/nologin -c "Apache Artemis service account" artemis
exit 0



# cleanup build root
rm -rf %{buildroot}
mkdir -p  %{buildroot}

# create app folder
mkdir -p $app_dir

# create data folder
mkdir -p $data_dir

# copy all files
cp LICENSE $app_dir
cp README.html $app_dir
cp -R bin $app_dir
cp -R lib $app_dir
cp -R schema $app_dir
cp -R web $app_dir

Here we create the Artemis service user and group and copy selected files from the build to buildroot folder.

The %install section of an rpm spec file is not run on rpm package installation.

The %install section is run during package creation to install the files that need to be packaged such that the rpmbuild process can package them up.


##### FILES SECTION #####

# define default file attributes

# list of directories that are packaged
%dir /opt/app/artemis
%dir %attr(660, -, -) /opt/data/artemis

# list of files that are packaged
%doc /opt/app/artemis/README.html
%license /opt/app/artemis/LICENSE

The %files section lists all the files and directories that the package contains. The uninstallation process for an rpm is simply the removal of all the packaged files.



case "$1" in
	0) # This is a package remove

		# remove app and data folders
		rm -rf /opt/app/artemis
    	rm -rf /opt/data/artemis

		# remove Apache Artemis service user and group
  		userdel artemis
	1) # This is a package upgrade
  		# do nothing

If additional work needs to be done before or after the files are removed the %preun and %postun scriptlets are available in the spec file for that work.



* Wed Mar 20 2019 Janik vonRotz <contact@janikvonrotz.ch> - 2.6.4-0
- Init apache-artemis package

Every time you make change, that is, whenever version or release of the package is incremented, add a comment to the changelog section

Full Spec File

The final spec file should look like this.

##### HEADER SECTION #####

Name:           apache-artemis
Version:        2.6.4
Release:        0
Summary:        Rpm package for Apache ActiveMQ Artemis

License:        ASL 2.0
URL:            http://activemq.apache.org/artemis/
Source0:        %{name}-%{version}-bin.tar.gz

Requires:       shadow-utils,bash

BuildArch:      x86_64


# disable debuginfo, which is useless on binary-only packages
%define debug_package %{nil}


# unpack tarball
%setup -q

##### BUILD SECTION #####

# empty section


# create Apache Artemis service group
getent group artemis >/dev/null || groupadd -f -g 30101 -r artemis

# create Apache Artemis service user
if ! getent passwd artemis >/dev/null ; then
    if ! getent passwd 30101 >/dev/null ; then
      useradd -r -u 30101 -g artemis -d /home/artemis -s /sbin/nologin -c "Apache Artemis service account" artemis
      useradd -r -g artemis -d /home/artemis -s /sbin/nologin -c "Apache Artemis service account" artemis
exit 0



# cleanup build root
rm -rf %{buildroot}
mkdir -p  %{buildroot}

# create app folder
mkdir -p $app_dir

# create data folder
mkdir -p $data_dir

# copy all files
cp LICENSE $app_dir
cp README.html $app_dir
cp -R bin $app_dir
cp -R lib $app_dir
cp -R schema $app_dir
cp -R web $app_dir

##### FILES SECTION #####

# define default file attributes

# list of directories that are packaged
%dir /opt/app/artemis
%dir %attr(660, -, -) /opt/data/artemis

# list of files that are packaged
%doc /opt/app/artemis/README.html
%license /opt/app/artemis/LICENSE


case "$1" in
	0) # This is a package remove

		# remove app and data folders
		rm -rf /opt/app/artemis
    	rm -rf /opt/data/artemis

		# remove Apache Artemis service user and group
  		userdel artemis
	1) # This is a package upgrade
  		# do nothing


* Wed Mar 20 2019 Janik vonRotz <contact@janikvonrotz.ch> - 2.6.4-0
- Init apache-artemis package


Navigate to the rpm build directory

cd ~/rpmbuild

Build the rpm.

rpmbuild -ba SPECS/apache-artemis.spec

Lint the rpm.

rpmlint RPMS/x86_64/apache-artemis-2.6.4-0.x86_64.rpm

There will be thousands of error and warnings. Ignore them for now.

Install the rpm.

sudo yum install RPMS/x86_64/apache-artemis-2.6.4-0.May.rpm -y

Create a broker instance.

sudo /opt/app/artemis/bin/artemis create broker /opt/data/artemis/broker --user artemis --password artemis --require-login

Start the Artemis instance.

sudo "/opt/data/artemis/broker/bin/artemis-service" start

Open the browser to localhost:8161/console and check if you can login with artemis:artemis.

If everything worked you can stop the service.

sudo "/opt/data/artemis/broker/bin/artemis-service" stop

And check if there is really no Artemis service running.

ps aux | grep artemis

Finally remove the package.

sudo yum remove apache-artemis -y


Apache Artemis has been installed to /opt/app/artemis and the instance has been created in /opt/data/artemis. Note that this is not best practice. The Filesystem Hierarchy Standard tells where to put what.


That’s it! Lets recap what we just learned.

This is also resembles the life cycle of an rpm service.

As usual if you have any questions, concerns or inputs feel free to make a comment.


Edit 1: Upgrade

I also investigated the behavior in an upgrade scenario.

Assuming the following points apply:

The results are as followed:

It behaves as expected.

Edit 2: Gradle Project

I have created a gradle project to facilitate the build process.

Link: GitHub - Apache Artemis RPM


Sources I relied on to build this tutorials:

Fedora Packaging Guidelines

RPM Packaging Guide

superuser - Managing service accounts in an RPM spec

packagecloud - Building RPM packages with rpmbuild

Categories: Software Configuration Management
Tags: rpm , apache , artemis , fedora , best practice , guide
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