2 min read
Hugo Soundcloud shortcode
The Hugo templating system is very flexible. Even when markdown falls short you can add simple snippets inside the content files. Hugo created shortcodes to circumvent the limitations. For my blog I have create a custom shortcode for embeding Soundcloud playlists into my markdown posts. Creating custom shortcodes is very easy. I will show you how it is done and moreover provide a tool to convert existing Soundcloud set urls into the custom Soundcloud shortcode.
Create a Souncloud shortcode
Creating new shortcodes is as metioned very in easy.
This is an example for the Soundcloud playlist shortcode.
Create a new file /layouts/shortcodes/soundcloud.html with this content:
src="https://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=https%3A//api.soundcloud.com/playlists/{{ index .Params 0 }}&color=%23ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&show_teaser=true"
If this file exists, you can use it as a shortcode in your posts and pages:
{{< soundcloud 8924360 >}}
The parameter is a Soundcloud set id, which can be extracted from the embed options in the Soundcloud browser UI.
Convert Soundcloud set links to Hugo shortcodes
If you have existing Soundcloud links and would like to convert them into shortcodes, follow these steps:
- Login into your Soundcloud account.
- Register a new Soundcloud app.
- Store the client id of the app.
- Replace the variable
in the script below. - Install the json command line tool jq.
- Run the script in the posts folder.
# loop through all files that match the selector
for filename in $selector; do
echo "Processing: $filename"
soundcloudUrl=$(grep -oP "^https?://soundcloud.com/$username/sets/[^\s]+" $filename)
if [[ $soundcloudUrl ]] ; then
echo "Retrieve playlist id for: $soundcloudUrl"
playlistId=$(curl -L "http://api.soundcloud.com/resolve?url=$soundcloudUrl&client_id=$clientId" | jq -r '.id')
echo "Got playlist id: $playlistId"
sed -i "s,${soundcloudUrl},{{< soundcloud ${playlistId} >}},g" $filename
Enjoy your Soundcloud 🎵
Categories: Content management systemsTags: hugo , soundcloud , playlists
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