1 min read
O3M 67 - Nospheratus
It has been a long time since I shared one of playlists. The reason for it was an accident I had last summer. I got a tinnitus, well I still have one and couldn’t really listen to music for a long time now. The first three month were the most difficult times of my life. Psychologically and mentally a huge challenge. However people can adapt them self to everything and so did I, it’s just a matter of time. It really helped me to see my tinnitus as part of me and not something to hate. First you wish to get rid of it, then you learn it probably won’t ever go away and finally you have to be friends with it. So my tinnitus became like friend to me. That might sound weird, but if you make this kind of experience you pretty sure can relate. Watch your ears and enjoy my playlist!
Categories: MusicTags: indie , o3m , soundcloud , tinnitus
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