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Useful command aliases
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This is a list of useful commandline aliases for your Ubuntu installation.
- Ubuntu server
- Supported installations (see below)
The structure of the command aliases is a mix of the first 3 letters of the programm you’re running and the parameters you’re adding. To set this aliases permanently add them to bash profile scirpt.
vi ~/.bashrc
List current files from your latest backup.
alias duplcf="sudo /usr/local/src/duplicity-backup/duplicity-backup.sh -c /etc/duplicity-backup/duplicity-backup.conf --list-current-files"
Run a backup.
alias dupbak="sudo /usr/local/src/duplicity-backup/duplicity-backup.sh -c /etc/duplicity-backup/duplicity-backup.conf -b"
Get the status of the latest backup.
alias dupsta="sudo /usr/local/src/duplicity-backup/duplicity-backup.sh -c /etc/duplicity-backup/duplicity-backup.conf -s"
Web server
Tags: aliases , linux , ubuntu
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