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Install Postfix with mail forwarding
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Postfix is a commonly used MTA (Mail Transfer Agent) program that can receive, deliver or route emails. In this guide you’ll learn how to forward mails from a certain domain to another e-mail address. It’s a recommanded approach if you want to publish a mail contact based on your domain and redirect the received mails to another provider, such as Outlook or Gmail.
Install Postfix with aptitude.
sudo apt-get install postfix
In the wizard chose as showed below.
Setup type: Internet Site
System mail name: <domain>
After the installation check, wether the Postfix agent is running or not.
sudo service postfix status
Verfify your mail DNS records. Here’s an example.
example.org. 85100 IN MX 10 mail.example.org
mail.example.org. 85045 IN CNAME example.org
Also Verifiy open Ports, postfix is accessable via these ports.
smtp port 25
We assume the mail server runs on the web server.
Let’s configure the postfix server.
sudo vi /etc/postfix/main.cf
Add at these line at the end of the file.
# acceptable mail domains for postifx
virtual_alias_domains = example.org example.com
virtual_alias_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/virtual
Lets add some mail forwarding rules
sudo vi /etc/postfix/virtual
Now you can add your mail adresses, here’s an exmaple with gmail.
contact@example.org name@gmail.com
sales@example.com name@gmail.com sombodyelse@gmail.com
Update the postfix lookup table
sudo postmap /etc/postfix/virtual
Restart the postix service
sudo service postfix reload
And last check wether the config has been load propberly
postconf -n | grep virtual
You should see the virtual config instructions
Setup mail forwarding in postfix on Ubuntu or Debian
Categories: Web serverTags: forwarding , mail , postfix , ubuntu
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