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Create GPG Keys
This post is part of my Your own Virtual Private Server hosting solution project.
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GPG keys are used for symmetric key encryption. GnuPG is the most common tool to create such keys.
Change the shell context to the user which uses the new GPG keys.
su [user]
Or use the root user.
sudo su
Give your server some work, otherwhise gpg won’t be able to generator random bytes.
sudo rngd -r /dev/urandom
Genrate the gpg key.
gpg --gen-key
Answert the prompts.
Your selection?: (1) RSA and RSA (default)
What keysize do you want?: 2048
Key is valid for?: 0 = key does not expire
Is this correct?: y
Real name: [firstname] [surname]
Email address: [mail]@[example.org]
Change ... (O)kay/(Q)uit?: O
Enter passphrase: [gpg passphrase]
Repeat passphrase: [gpg passphrase]
Kill the rngd task.
sudo service rng-tools stop
Show the new GnuPG keys.
gpg -k
The gpg key id
is displayed in the line pub 2048R/>>C58886FB<< 2014-03-14
Export the public key into a text file and back it up in a secure place.
gpg --armor --export -a [gpg key id] > [firstname][surname][server name]#public.key
Export the private key into a text file and back it up in a secure place.
gpg --armor --export-secret-keys -a [gpg key id] > [firstname][surname][server name]#private.key
Exit the user shell context if you have switched to another user.
Store the gpg passphrase
in a secure place f.g. KeePass Password Safe.
Unattended, Encrypted, Incremental Network Backups by Kellen Ubuntu: How to create a lot of entropy for GPG key generation from command line
Categories: Web serverTags: encryption , gnupg , gpg , private key , public key
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