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Generate PEM key- and truststores With Puppet
This post is a follow-up of Generate pkcs12 key- and truststores with Puppet.
In this post we are going to create PEM key- and truststores with Puppet.
PEM files are base64 encoded X.509 certificates. Enclosed between -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
and -----END CERTIFICATE-----
multiple PEM files can be concatinated into key- and truststores. And that is exactly what we are going to do using a Puppet manifest.
For the example use case multiple certificate files are required. Using the commands from the Create a certificate authority and sign server certificates without prompting using openssl post the following files must be provided:
- localhost_cert.pem
- localhost_key.pem
- example.com_cert.pem
- ca_cert.pem
The certificates will be concatinated into the following stores:
- webservice-keystore.pem
- localhost - private key entry
- webservice-truststore.pem
- ca - trusted cert entry
- custom-truststore.pem
- example.com - trusted cert entry
- ca - trusted cert entry
All the files are processed in /var/tmp/certificates
The manifest file is defined as followed:
class certbox (
String $host = 'localhost',
String $cert_dir = '/var/tmp/certificates',
String $server_ca_cert = "${cert_dir}/ca_cert.pem",
String $server_cn = $host,
String $server_cert = "${cert_dir}/${host}_cert.pem",
String $server_key = "${cert_dir}/${host}_key.pem",
String $server_key_pass = 'password',
String $server_keystore = "${cert_dir}/webservice-keystore.pem",
String $server_truststore = "${cert_dir}/webservice-truststore.pem",
Array $custom_trust_entries = [
cn => 'example.com',
cert => 'example.com_cert.pem'
cn => 'ca',
cert => 'ca_cert.pem'
String $custom_truststore = "${cert_dir}/custom-truststore.pem",
String $owner = 'root',
String $group = 'root',
String $file_read_mode = 'a=,ug+r',
) {
# component-wide defaulting of the exec path attribute
Exec {
path => ['/usr/bin', '/bin']
# create copy of sever cert, if file state changes notify keystore assemble task
file { "${server_cert}.tmp":
ensure => file,
owner => $owner,
group => $group,
mode => $file_read_mode,
source => $server_cert,
notify => Exec["certbox - create server keystore"],
# check if keystore file does not exist and notify creation task
exec { "certbox - check if server keystore exists":
onlyif => "test ! -f $server_keystore",
command => 'echo "File does not exist."',
notify => Exec["certbox - create server keystore"],
# create server keystore if temporary file state changed
exec { "certbox - create server keystore":
refreshonly => true,
command => "cat ${server_cert} > ${server_keystore}; cat ${server_key} >> ${server_keystore}",
# ensure server keystore file permissions
file { $server_keystore:
ensure => file,
owner => $owner,
group => $group,
mode => $file_read_mode,
file { "${server_ca_cert}.tmp":
ensure => file,
owner => $owner,
group => $group,
mode => $file_read_mode,
source => $server_ca_cert,
notify => Exec["certbox - create server truststore"],
exec { "certbox - check if server truststore exists":
onlyif => "test ! -f $server_truststore",
command => 'echo "File does not exist."',
notify => Exec["certbox - create server truststore"],
exec { "certbox - create server truststore":
refreshonly => true,
command => "cat ${server_ca_cert} > ${server_truststore}",
file { $server_truststore:
ensure => file,
owner => $owner,
group => $group,
mode => $file_read_mode,
notify => Exec["certbox - create server truststore"],
# create copy for each ca truststore entry
$custom_trust_entries.each | Integer $index, Hash $entry | {
file { "${cert_dir}/${entry['cert']}.ca_trust.icam.tmp":
ensure => file,
owner => $owner,
group => $group,
mode => $file_read_mode,
source => "${cert_dir}/${entry['cert']}",
notify => [
Exec["certbox - cleanup ca truststore"],
Exec["certbox - add pem ${entry['cn']} to ca truststore"]],
exec { "certbox - check if ca truststore for ${entry['cn']} exists":
onlyif => "test ! -f $custom_truststore",
command => 'echo "File does not exist."',
notify => Exec["certbox - add pem ${entry['cn']} to ca truststore"],
# reset ca truststore if temporary entry file state changed
exec { "certbox - cleanup ca truststore":
refreshonly => true,
command => "echo > ${custom_truststore}",
# add ca truststore entry if temporary entry file state changed
$custom_trust_entries.each | Integer $index, Hash $entry | {
exec { "certbox - add pem ${entry['cn']} to ca truststore":
refreshonly => true,
command => "echo >> ${custom_truststore};cat ${cert_dir}/${entry['cert']} >> ${custom_truststore}",
file { $custom_truststore:
ensure => file,
owner => $owner,
group => $group,
mode => $file_read_mode,
This manifest checks if the source PEM files have changed or the target stores does not exist. If one of these cases apply the manifests creates the key- or truststore. Finally, it sets the file mode and ownership.
To apply the manifest with Puppet run the following command:
sudo puppet apply --modulepath=modules/ -e "include certbox"
To verify if the files have been assembled correctly use this keytool commands:
sudo keytool -printcert -file /var/tmp/certificates/custom-truststore.pem
Let me know if this post helped you to resolve a particular use case.
Categories: Software configuration managementTags: puppet , deployment , keytool , openssl , certificate
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